Boosting Morale At Work
In the current economic atmosphere, you may be wondering if you'll have a job next week. Add to that the normal daily pressures of work, and you're likely to be in a bit of a slump. You and your colleagues may be unmotivated and unproductive.
But there are things that you can do to boost morale in your workplace. See everyone's productivity soar! Try these techniques to bring more motivation to your workplace.

1Get To Know Your Colleagues
Perhaps you don't really know your co-workers! Do you know them on a personal level or just as professionals? When you make an effort to learn more about them, you may discover what motivates them. It also makes them feel valued.
Recognize your colleagues' birthdays. A birthday cake always lightens the mood! Your officemates will be glad that you care enough about them to recognize their special day.
Ask about their personal lives. Are they married? Do they have children? What are their hobbies? These types of questions let you know about them as individuals; if you don't remember things well, make notes, and keep it in a file.

2Recognize Their Accomplishments At Work
You might be surprised at how motivated your co-workers can be when they know that their team acknowledges and rewards the work that they've done. Create an appreciation program. Choose someone as the employee of the month. Hang their photo in the lounge until the next is chosen. Write them a personal thank-you note if they've done something particularly impressive.
You may also include a gift certificate or send something in recognition of their hard work. Take them out to lunch. You don't have to leave the office if time is short; instead, order pizza or have lunch catered every so often. They'll be able to relax and enjoy their work environment more when they're given a chance to socialize.

3Give Them A Voice
Create a satisfaction survey. These may even be done anonymously. Be sure to address any perceived problems quickly and thoroughly for the best results.
Hold staff meetings regularly. This will give the staff an opportunity to learn about the company's status as well as voice any questions they may have. Ask for feedback if changes have to be made. Ask others what type of training they may need to do their job better. By offering continuous training, you'll prove that your team is valuable to you, and you'll do your business a great service by having top-notch, highly trained workers.

4Offer Rewards For A Good Performance
Everyone likes to get a little extra in his or her paycheck from time to time. Perhaps there's a way to incorporate a performance bonus to boost morale. Talk with the employees and get their ideas.
Seriously consider putting a rewards program into place. You may be surprised at what they come up with. And it might not be as expensive as you imagined!

When morale and productivity begin to wane, it's important to let your employees know that you value them. Sure, they get paid for the work they do every week, but sometimes, they need a little pick-me-up. Rewards don't have to be elaborate or expensive.
A little bit of recognition can go a long way toward improving the atmosphere in your workplace. Give them the respect that they deserve. Use these ways of boosting morale in the workplace, and before you know it, your employees will have smiles on their faces and motivation on their minds!